(In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if by 2001 no one at Wizards of the Coast even remembered the alterations made to the timeline in 1995.) Luckily Jedit's story is not linked to anything, so its relative placement to the Gathering can be altered without any problems. You can see where things have gone wrong: clearly author Clayton Emery was given the comics to adapt, but wasn't told about the compressed timeline. The second revision is then made in the novels based on the comic, which puts the events back to several hundred years after the end of the Ice Age. So this revision is clearly still canon, and if it places the Gathering of the Sages of Minorad decades after the World Spell, it invalidates the "400 years" quote from Jedit Ojanen. This is then copied by in The Story of the Battlemage Ravidel, I have been critical of TSOTBR in many reviews so far, but this alteration of the timeline is backed up by the Pocket Players' Guide timeline and forms the basis of the later official timeline, which is still in use to this day. The first revision to the timeline is seen in the Fourth Edition Pocket Players' Guide, which places the Brothers' War only 4000 years before the present, thus greatly reducing the time between events. Another example of this elongated timeline can be seen in Fallen Empires, which supposedly takes place 1157 years before the Ice Age!

Remember how in Ice Age the fall of Storgard was supposed to happen 4000 years before the Gathering, but only 500 years before the World Spell? If that were true, than Jedit Ojanen could've happened 400 years after the World Spell, and you'd still have 3100 years left between it and the Gathering for Serra Angel to take place in. If you go through all of the comics looking for temporal references, it becomes clear that they operated on a vastly decompressed timeline. Well, it is important to realize that we are dealing with a timeline revision upon a timeline revision here.
So how to square that with the placement of Jedit Ojanen 300/400 years after the Ice Age? The Story of the Battlemage Ravidel suggests this was a matter of decades, and the novel The Shattered Alliance supports this. Alliances), when the climate stabilizes after the World Spell ended the Ice Age. The placement of the Gathering is tricky in itself, but it is supposed to happen shortly after the Flood Age (a.k.a. The only thing that might be relevant here is that the chronology in Urza-Mishra War #2 puts Jedit Ojanen before Serra Angel (whoops, there I go giving away what the next review is!), and Serra Angel itself says it happens before the Gathering of the Sages of Minorad.